i'll always remember....
blogging from school library>.<
uber bored can? now is like 2? and got like 3 more hrs to kill before pipc at 5 -.-
but then again...why am i so early?
couldn't sleep much....woke up at 8.30 instead of my scheduled 2pm??!!
NB...anthea wake up later than me -.-
the msn down here id uber slow can?
i think by the time i sign in ...my 20 mins up le.
zhenghan was being riddiculous.
ubin race shld be open to the whole school leh.
only restrict to AS of course no one will join la....
the list is still empty ^^
actually ppl wanted to join. but then they were not from AS.
i'll just LMAO if not one joins the thing....HAHAHHA
*SLAPS SELF* i shouldn't be so mean
miley and eunice cracked me up yesterday. ROFL~
she was complaining about being made to to publicity.
"walau....they everytime put me and yueh li's name like fun fair like that *does punching action* "
(random: finally can sign into msn after like ages??!!)
ismail's spider incident....ismail's flick hair incident and eunice's act innocent incident.....LMAOs
WELL...guess i better fill up my hungry diary now.....having been writing in it...hahah
the moment i saw you cry...
2:07 PM